How To Romanticize Your Bedroom With Vibes You Love

Your bedroom is a reflection of you, so design it with intention.

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‘Soulful Spaces With Erica Dike’ is BrownStyle Magazine’s new lifestyle column designed to help you transform your space into a space that feeds your soul.

Creating a home you love is essential to living a soft life, especially when it comes to your bedroom. In my expert opinion, your bedroom should be more than just a place to sleep— it should be a space for relaxation, rejuvenation, romance, and self-expression. 

Looking to romanticize your bedroom with vibes you love? Keep scrolling to read my professional advice on creating a space that ignites your senses and empowers you to be your best self, both inside and outside your home.

Start By Setting the Mood

  • Opt For Calming Colors- Set the mood to invite touch and sensual connection. Ditch harsh bright colors in exchange for a soft, romantic palette. Think blush pinks, calming lavenders, and warm whites to create a feeling of intimacy and relaxation. Layer textures with plush throws, velvet pillows, and woven rugs.
  • Choose Soft And Sexy Lighting – Overhead lights are for the kitchen. They’re not the vibe you want in your bedroom. Try layered lighting with dimmers. Think string lights draped around the canopy, bedside lamps with warm white bulbs, and even candles. Create an ambiance that transitions seamlessly from daytime brightness to romantic twilight.
  • Experiment With Scents – What scents stir up your heart? Try using essential oils or diffusers with aphrodisiac scents like jasmine, sandalwood, or vanilla to set the mood. Keep it personal and subtle, but most importantly, let your nose guide you!

Next, Design For Romance & Intimacy

  • Personalize For One (or Two) Whether you embrace solo self-love or share your space with a partner, personalize your bedroom with love and meaning. Framed photos, artwork that evokes joy, or even a collection of love letters can add a touch of sentimentality and connection.
  • Create A Cozy Space For Conversation – Create a cozy sitting area to spark connection. Add a comfortable chair and a side table with candles. Sprinkle in conversation starters that spark intimacy like thoughtful wall art, card games, or aromatherapy diffusers.
  • Indulge In Luxury – A plush, high-quality mattress is an investment in self-care and romance. Add soft sheets, cozy pillows, and a throw blanket to make your bed as inviting as possible. And don’t forget to include strategically placed mirrors to create a sensual and playful atmosphere.

Lastly, Don’t Forget To Prioritize Self-Care

Your bedroom is a reflection of you, so design it with intention. Create a space that empowers you, fuels your confidence, and allows you to radiate both at home and beyond. Most importantly, ensure your space encourages you to prioritize self-care and wellness into your daily routine.

Start by opening your curtains for a mood boost. Next, bring the outside indoors with natural elements like potted plants, flowers, and bamboo.

As a bonus, transform your bathroom into a mini spa with a luxurious robe, essential oil burner, or even a small fountain. Create space to display bath salts, candles, and indulgent skincare products that remind you to relax and unwind after a long day. Happy designing!

Erica Dike is the Principal Interior Designer of Erica of Ooh Designs based in Houston, TX. Formerly decoding data at NASA as a Business Analyst and Systems Engineer, Erica now transforms spaces with a gravitational pull toward fabulousness. Her boutique firm is where data-driven design takes short-term rentals and homes to astronomical levels of chic!