How To Own Your ‘New Year, New Me’ Fitness Goals— Even If You Had A Setback!

Everyone can be subject to losing motivation, but it is important to show up for yourself and never let someone’s negative comments discourage you from achieving your goals.

Woman at the gym on the treadmill
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

I’ll be honest, I really detest the social media trend that teases newcomers for hitting the gym at the start of the year. 

Yes, it is a known fact that gyms generally experience their highest revenue in January due to New Year’s resolutions, but do we really need to make people feel bad for trying to better themselves? In my opinion, we should be cheering each other on, not putting each other down.

New Year, New Goals

In January, many people start the year with a fresh perspective and a goal to improve everything about themselves, especially their health. However, by March, gym numbers unfortunately begin to decline as people start to lose their focus and drive. 

This decline can be attributed to various factors including lack of accountability, not seeing results, and life simply lifing. Another factor can be discouragement from “gym vets” who judge, not support. 

Sis, I’ve experienced all of these things, and trust me, I know how it can knock you off course. However, this year I encourage you to be kind to yourself and start over if you have to! 

We Support, We Don’t Judge

As someone who loves to go to the gym, I get inspired whenever I see other people move towards their health goals. 

Life has a way of throwing unexpected surprises at us, and if things don’t happen the way you want them to, remember that it’s normal to begin again. Find the strength and courage within yourself to chase your goals, no matter what. Keep in mind, your journey is uniquely yours, so don’t compare it to anyone else’s. You’ve got this!

Below, take a look at my tips to help you stay on track this year— even if you have a setback.

A woman sitting on floor while training in modern gym
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Find Accountability Partners

No, I’m not talking about your bestie who will follow you down the rabbit hole if you decide to fall in. I’m talking about someone who is already consistent in the goal that you’ve set for yourself. 

For example, if you want to accomplish a fitness goal, seek a personal trainer or an avid gym goer to hold you accountable. You want someone in your corner who won’t let you give up or give in. Someone who will encourage you on your down days and push you when life throws its curve balls at you. 

Place Your Goals Where You Can See Them Everyday

It’s common to forget your why, especially when it’s not a part of your daily routine or habits. Create a vision board or place stickies around your home so that you’re reminded of your goals every day. Make sure that you’re not just reminding yourself of what you want to accomplish as your end goal, but also why you want to accomplish it as well.

Create Hard Boundaries

Treat your goals like you treat your job (or business). If someone wants to disrupt the time that you’ve set aside to accomplish your goal, let them know that you’re busy at work. Our jobs have strict guidelines about us missing what they need to accomplish, so you must create hard boundaries for missing what you desire to accomplish. Don’t let people and their agendas for your life throw you off your goals this year.

Affirm, Affirm, Affirm

Speak over your life daily. It’s not just enough to see your goals daily, speak them over your life, too. Your words hold power, and that power can transform your life. 

Affirmations have the power to rewire your brain, transform your negative subconscious thoughts, as well as, restructure your entire perspective. Trust me, it works! I’ve created an entire book filled with them and it’s coming soon. #shamelessplug 

Set Realistic Expectations

Don’t make your goals too far-fetched to achieve. Make them small, measurable, and detailed enough to hit your target goal by a specific time. For example, if you have a goal to lose 30 pounds in 6 months, try losing 5 pounds a month, instead of 30 pounds in 1 month. Although this can be achieved in 1 month, you don’t want to burn yourself out. You want to be realistic and easy on yourself so that you can maintain what you’re attempting to accomplish.

Starting a new journey, whether it is fitness or any other area in life, should be fun and a worthwhile experience.  Just remember that the path isn’t always clear and easy, and setbacks can be a part of the process. So, be kind to yourself, and know that it’ll be ok if you temporarily fall off and have to start over. Surround yourself with positive people, stay focused, and don’t let any negativity or comparisons hinder your mission. 

As you move forward, remind yourself of why you started, keep your vision clear, set realistic goals, and celebrate each small victory you achieve! 

This journey is unique to you, and with patience, persistence, and the right mindset you can accomplish each goal that you’ve set for yourself this year. Forget how everyone else feels about it. Now repeat after me: “New Year, New Me!”

Editor’s Note: This story has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Chashawna Wesby— also known as "Penmagician" and "Passionate" — is a talented creative writer, singer-songwriter, and guitarist. With a passion for storytelling, the multi-hyphenate has been recognized for her work in creative writing, theater, and film. In addition to her music career, Chashawna has been involved in theater, web series, and film production. Chashawna continues to write new music, collaborate with other artists, and perform on stages, sharing her passion with the world.