How To Ease Back Into Business After A Much-Needed Summer Vacation

Find out the simple tricks our BrownStyle editors are using to get back into the work groove.

Woman working while sipping a cup of tea
Photo by Samson Katt
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As the sun begins to set on our summer vacations, it’s time to head back to our regularly scheduled program. Whether you’re heading back to the office or dedicating long hours to your business, finding your work groove after enjoying the perks of rest and relaxation is no easy feat. 

To help you keep your peace of mind during the seasonal transition into the Fall, we’re sharing a few practical tips that we actually used in the BrownStyle Magazine office to hit the ground running and ace our post-vacation comeback with ease. Working virtually? No worries, we promise the same tips apply to your home office experience.

Set The Stage For Success

Before you dive into work, take a moment to plan ahead. Organize your schedule, set goals, and prioritize tasks to streamline your workflow. At BrownStyle, we love Monday — the app, that is! It keeps our schedule tight and provides a clear roadmap of tasks we need to complete to ensure we always have a smooth transition back to business.

Tackle One Email At A Time

Seeing more than 100 unread emails after vacation can be overwhelming. Start by sorting your inbox by priority and tackle them one by one. Respond, archive, or delete as needed. You’ll be down to zero in no time.

Catch Up With Colleagues

We’re not talking about gossip because we all know that’s a beast of burden. We’re talking about having a quick informative yet personable chat with your colleagues. At our office, we love to take a coffee break and enjoy Emerald Elitou’s delicious office lattes while catching up on the latest happenings. It not only helps you reconnect with your colleagues, but also boost team spirit and collaboration.

Quick & Easy Tips To Help You Ease Back Into Business After Summer Vacation

Start With The Smaller Tasks

Jumping into complex projects right away might feel daunting, therefore the best thing to do is to tackle the smaller, manageable tasks to help ease into the work rhythm. As you regain momentum, you’ll be ready to conquer bigger challenges.

Refresh Your Workplace

An organized workspace encourages productivity and creativity. Invite positive energy into your surroundings by organizing your workspace. To give your workstation a little post-vacation revamp, add some vibrant accents and plants on your desk. If you have a home office, try adding candles for ambiance.

On Our Editor’s Desk

We are currently in love with the “Thankful” candle from Spoken Flames. We love the distinct notes of fresh ginger, star anise, and sweet butternut squash that permeate our space whenever we light it up.

Nurture Your Well-Being

The most crucial part of your post-vacation return is your well-being. Remember, a well-nurtured soul is a powerful asset in business. Prioritize your time by taking breaks to reset, release stress, and move your body—especially if your work requires a lot of sitting.

Reminisce On Your Vacation

Don’t let your vacation vibes disappear. Embrace the fresh perspective gained during your time off. Keep in the front of your mind the unique insights, ideas, or new approaches you discovered while away from your desk. Find unique ways to incorporate them into your business strategy. Believe it or not, your vacation experience can be a valuable asset in shaping your path forward.

Celebrate ALL Your Wins

Celebrate your glorious return as you get back into the business swing of things! As you ease back into work after your holiday, be sure to acknowledge your drive and accomplishments. We highly suggest taking notes of all your wins to keep yourself motivated throughout the week!

At BrownStyle, we love to use Be Rooted journals for jotting down our goals and achievements. 

With this amount of organization and preparation, how can you lose? We don’t know if anyone told you this today, but you’ve got this! Stay the course and there’s no way you won’t succeed.

Heather Elitou is the Senior Managing Editor at BrownStyle Magazine, where her expertise has led to the publication's success. A devoted mother of three brilliant young women and a loving wife, she finds joy in nurturing her family. Beyond her professional and family life, Heather enjoys savoring the delights of a well-crafted cheese board. She is also known for her love of soulful conversations about living a soft life.