Travel Influencer Morgan Angelique Owens captivates us as she brings us along on her quest for romance. In a realm where love knows no boundaries, witness the challenges (and triumphs) faced by this busy globetrotter.
Navigating the world of dating has always been an adventure for me. As a perpetual globetrotter who often travels to new destinations, I embraced online dating with open arms. I soon discovered that the digital dating landscape is a game of love and war. Believe me, I’ve encountered a spectrum of experiences— from horrors to hilarity. I’ve even had moments that have left me pondering, “WTF?”
My dating escapades remain a vivid kaleidoscope of experiences.
Today, I invite you to step into my world, as I recount my recent rendezvous in the vibrant heart of New York City. It’s a tale that perfectly encapsulates the essence of the title— a rollercoaster journey of love-bombing and ghosting.

When we matched, I was on the next flight home. It wasn’t until I was in the comfort of my abode that we started messaging each other. This ultimately led to us exchanging numbers. Soon we were video chatting every day.
He hailed from the bustling streets of the Big Apple but said he had temporarily relocated to Boston for work. In a bold move, he asked me about my upcoming visit to New York City, expressing a keen desire to take me out on a date. Fortunately, fate seemed to be on our side as I had a flight credit that needed to be used fairly quickly. It guaranteed my return to the city that never sleeps.
In the blink of an eye, our plans for a highly anticipated first date took shape. He committed to a 4-hour drive down from Boston to meet with me in the city. In the spirit of caution (and stranger danger), I made sure to secure my own hotel room. He had an Airbnb in the area.
Never disclose your hotel accommodations to someone you’ve just met, particularly when online dating. Your safety is not a gamble worth taking. If the person truly respects you, they should understand and support your decision to keep your location confidential until you’ve established a stronger connection.
We met up, and he took me to this cute restaurant. We were really having a great time! He was attentive, a gentleman, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. Being a Pisces, this had me planning our future in my head. We ended the night with a kiss, and he told me he wanted to see me the following day.
The next morning, he treated me to Starbucks before we headed to brunch. Throughout the car ride, he couldn’t stop expressing his admiration for me. He said I was an “amazing” woman. He made it a point to express how lucky he felt to have matched on the dating app. He shared how happy he was to meet me and went on to say he wasn’t going to “fumble the bag.”
It all sounded promising, but I’ve always been one to judge people by actions, not their words.
Up until this point, his actions seemed to align perfectly with his words. He’d made the long drive to see me and take me out not once but twice, he was very attentive, and he treated me like a passenger princess.
It almost seemed too good to be true…and unfortunately, it was.

After brunch, he mentioned he wanted to spend some time with his family. That was perfectly fine with me because I had my own plans for the rest of the day. Before dropping me off, he reiterated not once, but twice, his desire to meet up later since he was leaving town the next day.
Caught up in my own activities, time swiftly passed, and before I knew it, it was 7 p.m. Surprisingly, there hadn’t been a peep from him. In a moment of curiosity, I decided to shoot him a text, asking if he still wanted to get together. However, all I got in return was silence.
By 9 p.m., I sent another message, simply stating, “Guess not.”
It was a far cry from my younger self, who might have unleashed a paragraph of frustration via text. I’ve matured since then, and I couldn’t help but wonder if something had come up on his end, or perhaps with his family. So, I made the decision to wait and see if I heard from him by the morning.
The following day arrived, and there was still no sign of him in my messages. As I logged into my Instagram, a story he’d posted caught my eye. Naturally, I tapped on it to see what was going on. Lo and behold, it was him strolling through the early morning streets of NYC. This let me know he was alive and that he just didn’t care to respond back to me.
At 37, I know not to waste my time wondering what happened. The sheer disrespect of being “ghosted” served as all the closure I needed. I swiftly unfollowed him.
From that day forward, I haven’t heard a peep from him. It’s still an enigma as to why he’d said all the right things and invested time and money to see me, only to vanish into thin air. It remains a mystery because I’m no Inspector Gadget.

In case you’re wondering, things didn’t progress beyond a kiss.
Dating in the 2020s can indeed be filled with peculiar and disheartening behavior, but my quest for love will continue.
Have you ever been love-bombed and then ghosted? Join our tribe of Brown Beauties and share your story with us here.